Sunday, January 1, 2012

Here we go...

     There are those moments in life when you get this really great idea and it seems so awesome in your head and you want everyone else to think it's an awesome idea and jump right on board with you. I'm a veteran at coming up with lots of's the follow through that gets me sometimes. That being said, you can imagine my concerns about deciding to read through the entire Bible this year! It's something I've always wanted to do and I figured that January 1st of 2012 seemed like no better time to start (especially since, if the Mayans get it right, this year will be my last chance to read through it!). Now, why have I decided to blog about this little endeavor? I'm hoping that it will help hold me accountable to finish what I've started. I'm hoping that the more people who know about my goal, the more likely I'll be to stick with it.  If you're interested in taking this journey too then please feel free to travel along side me. I promise I'll make it worth your while.

So, if you're willing to come along side me, lace up your hiking boots and let's go. Here's the game plan. I'm going to be reading through the Bible chronologically, in the order in which the events occurred. I don't want to just read the Bible from Genesis to Exodus to Leviticus to...but instead as God's one BIG story from creation to the Revelation. Along the way I'll be sharing my thoughts and insights that I learn as the Holy Spirit guides and directs me through this massive journey. Will everything apply to those reading this blog? Probably not, but God has a way of speaking to us right when we need it, even when we didn't know we needed it so maybe something He shows me will help you! I know a year is a long time to follow along but in 366 days (yep, it's a leap year folks) I'm hoping to see God's story played out from Genesis 1:1 to Revelation 22:21 and see how His Spirit has woven through the scriptures to demonstrate His heart for a fallen humanity and ultimately His work of restoration through Jesus!

     So, please join me this year and follow along as I travel through the Bible...and hold me accountable to finish! Along the way, feel free to comment and share what God has taught you as well. After all, we're all just fellow travelers on this journey called life!

In Christ,


  1. Hey Justin,

    You have my support! Just wondering, do you have a guide that you could share on the order you are reading scriptures? I didn't realize Job fit in chronologically with early Genesis either! Learn something everyday.


    Chad H

  2. Chad,

    Thanks for the support. I've added a link at the top of the blog that should take you to a copy of the reading plan I'm using.

    Thanks for following along!



Thanks for traveling along and thanks for the comment!
